Unionization and an interest in worker power may seem to be far from the minds of younger generations. However, Generation Z — born between 1997 and 2012, with those a part of it ranging from 12 to 27 years old today — has shown record breaking support for unions, signaling what could be a new era for the future of worker power and unions. Members of Gen Z have faced their fair share of struggle. The climate crisis is an ever-present fear. The Covid-19 pandemic affected almost all aspects of their lives. They suffer high rates of poor mental health. However, in the face of all this adversity and more, Gen Zers have used their voices to advocate for issues important to them. It is one of the most progressive generations, and worker power is one of their causes.
Gen Z is the most pro-union generation of our time. The Center for American Progress reported that Gen Z supports unions at a rate of 64.3%, compared with 60.5% for Millennials, 57.8% for Gen X, and 57.2% for Boomers. (Gallup’s polls have shown higher support overall for unions, but CAP’s analysis specifically examines support for unions by generation) To Gen Z, unions can be appealing for many reasons. The worker benefits that result from union membership, such as better wages and greater stability, are a fundamental reason unions garner support from younger people. Further, Gen Z has been particularly involved in progressive activism, which has extended to labor and workplace activism. For example, Gen Z workers have led the way in pivotal organizing campaigns at Amazon and Starbucks.
Center for American Progress
Even with their enthusiastic support, the annual Union Members survey issued by the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that union membership among 16-to-24 year olds was only 4.4% in 2023. We should not confuse low union membership numbers among Gen Zers with unenthusiasm. Gen Zers, almost by definition, are generally at the beginning of their work careers. Joining a union at that stage may not seem like as much of a priority as simply securing a job. Gen Z also generally does not have the economic commitments that older generations do, such as marriage (or partnership), children, and home ownership. So, issues like retirement security, seniority in job assignments, protections against unfair layoffs or discipline, and even family and medical leave may not loom quite as large for many younger workers.
Perhaps more important, the low unionization rate among the Gen Z demographic may be due to low union density in the industries in which they work. According to Bureau of Labor Statistics data, about 40% of 16-to-24-year-olds work in the food services industry or leisure and hospitality industry. In 2024, fewer than 2% of food service workers and about 3% of those in the leisure and hospitality industry were union members, which is well below the national average. The relationship between Gen Z and unions is positive when it comes to attitudes and values. For this reason, the number of Gen Z union members and activists should be expected to increase as time goes on. In fact, Gen Zers have made big strides for worker power by taking a lead in union organizing. Jaz Brisack, who is 27-years-old, is an excellent example. Jaz took a job as a barista in Buffalo, New York in order to play a central part in the Starbucks unionization efforts in 2021.
Gen Z has faced its fair share of hardships. The Covid-19 pandemic impacted all aspects of life, and Gen Z was especially affected. Most were in school, and education was hastily, but radically, modified to adhere to the pandemic guidelines; those who were older suffered from the high unemployment rates that resulted from the Covid pandemic. The employment effects were especially brutal because many of the jobs that Gen Zers sought out, as new entrants to the workforce, were in the industries that were impacted the most. The pandemic produced some positive outcomes, however. Gen Zers, who were constantly on screens during this time, were able to become more tech savvy acquiring skills that are necessary in a world that is constantly becoming more technologically advanced. Furthermore, the lockdowns that the pandemic triggered Gen Zers to aspire for entrepreneurship at higher rates and gave them plenty of time to devise their business plans.
Despite the progress they made adapting to the pandemic, the pandemic and associated economic recession resulted in the significant decline of many Gen Zers’ mental health. Decreased social interaction and anxieties about family finances caused an epic mental health crisis. However, this experience did not stop Gen Z from being overwhelmingly optimistic. In fact, a survey by Gallup revealed that, although most Gen Zers responded that they experienced high levels of stress, 76% of them reported that they experienced optimism about the future. Eighty-two percent of these survey respondents also reported that they believed they could achieve their goals --- another clear sign of optimism. High levels of union support among younger generations may correspond to this optimism. Financial anxiety from the pandemic was one of the main factors in the rising mental health crisis, and unions alleviate that stress for Gen Zers by providing more economic security. Gen Z is also known for its idealism, with ambitious goals for their future, especially pertaining to their careers. Gen Z’s economic pragmatism blends with their idealism, to create a generation that seeks to meaningfully invest in and improve their future. Their drive to build successful careers adds to this desire, too. Unions are an important part of building secure, successful careers, so they fit comfortably with a life perspective centered around Gen Zers’ optimism.
Gen Z’s support for unions is strong. It’s clear that younger generations will continue to pave the way forward for unions’ growth and increased worker power. Gen Z’s ability to innovate and adapt in the face of hardships will continue into the future, making the worker power movement stronger than ever before.